How a child views numbers impacts their ability to understand math!
Question: Does it matter how a child starts learning math?
Answer: Yes! It matters a lot!
Problem: Most of us don't know how little kids first learn math and what can go wrong. And, unfortunately, a lot of early math materials and books have important blind spots and aren't informed by research about "how children really learn math."
Solution: Through these 10 Secrets of Early Math Success YouTube videos, you'll learn how little children first learn math and what can go wrong. Maybe your child can already count to 10 or 20, but when you ask them "How many are there?" they don't give you a number as an answer, but instead just count the group of objects again. Hmmm...what's going on? Or maybe you have a toddler, a preschooler, a PreKindergarten child, or even a child in Kindergarten who needs to start learning math, and you want to get them off to a strong start. These 10 Secrets of Early Math Success YouTube videos can make a big difference!
Links to the first three videos are on the Home Page, and here's a link to the first one. Video 1 - Don't Start MATH With Simple Counting. Please Don't! This first video explains why starting math with simple counting can be problematic and where to start instead. These videos are a perfect complement to my Very Early MATH: Set 1 & 2 books (Available via Amazon and through the links on this website).
More will follow...
Please share any questions, comments, ideas below or email me via the "Contact" page.
Dr. Marty Epstein (PhD Math Ed)