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New YouTube Video on Counting!

Teach COUNTING "Right!"

Are you a preschool teacher, kindergarten teacher, parent, or caregiver who is teaching a child, or lots of children, to count? This video is for you! (Just click on the title above ... or right here!


It turns out that many children are taught to count in a way that they have no idea why they are counting. This is a problem, because a child won't be able to understand math if they don't also understand:

  • WHY we count (Psst… to find the NUMBER that tells us the size of a GROUP)
  • HOW counting tells us this information. (Psst…this process has a name—the Cardinal Principle. If you're not sure what this is or if you've never heard of it before … this video is perfect for you!)

Most grownups assume a child automatically learns these ideas when they learn to count 1-2-3-4-5 ... but they don't!


If a child doesn't understand these ideas by a certain early point, it makes understanding the math that follows close to impossible.


So, let's help children count in a way that lays the foundation needed to understand math! To accomplish that, in this video you'll learn:

  • The 4 key math ideas a child needs to have already before they can learn and understand counting
  • A research-based approach for linking these math ideas together into the understanding of counting a child needs to understand math.


Wishing you lots of fun helping little children learn and love math!


Marty Epstein (PhD Math Education)


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